Most of the advertising model "money online" are not credible or not worth. However, if it comes from a reputable company like Google, then perhaps maybe we should consider. Google Adsense service does not require you to click anywhere, but only statistical view their ads placed on your site how many people visit to pay you cash only.
Speaking of making money online, you may frown silently as "crap conversation, phishing '... But when issues related to Google, then certainly this is a serious job. If you are a webmaster and want to use your site to "make sure" the little Google Adsense is a tool that you should care. Google's reputation alone is enough of a guarantee. Method of operation of this program is that Google will place ads of companies that they have been on your site, if you have access to the site and to view the ads that the advertisers will pay you through Google. In particular, one can be accepted while this program, you will be provided with a HTML code to insert anywhere in your website. Every time visitors click on Google Adsense banner ads, you will receive a sum of money - small portions, but at least in most areas!
Article restriction that we first encountered this service Google has not accepted the site content is not English. So if you use a content site in Vietnamese for registration will not be accepted. While waiting for this change, there is a way for Google to accept is to use Google's own blog.
To create a Google blog, please visit http:// blogspot.com. For the registration of bloggers was quick, the best you should have a Gmail account (free registration at http://gmail.com). After you have a Gmail account, you visit http://blogspot.com and choose Create Your Blog Now. Here you proceed to complete the tasks enter the information as usual.
After you have completed your own blog site, you are using your blog address to sign up with Google. To register for this program by Google, you go to http://google. Com / adsense, click click here to apply. A form appears for you to automatically fill in personal information. It is remarkable that you must fill out completely accurate personal information to Google for easy transaction later. Google will maintain complete confidentiality of your personal.
Under Site URL, please enter your blog address you have registered at the blogspot (example: http:// example.blogspot.com), while in Section langunge Website, you choose your site language is English . Individual select the Account type (Bussiness for commercial sites), and Section Country or territory you select Vietnam.
All the remaining items are the items of your personal information. You must ensure this information is correct to avoid obstacles to the transaction later on.
To be accepted, you must agree with the rules when participating in the Google Adsense program, you must tick all the check boxes in the section Policies. Finally click the Submit button to complete Information.
Google Adsense will ask you last on your information before completing registration. After registration, you must take about one to two days for Google Adsense check your registration form and you decide to accept the program or not.
To Google Adsense you accept the site you signed up with Google than pages with content, meaning you have to work hard post on your blogspot page (of course contents should be English).
Once accepted by Google Adsense, you already have an account with a username http://google.com/adsense email as you used to register and password you selected. After logging in to your account, there are a number of items to note the following:
1. Repod: a report daily, weekly, monthly ... with the money you earn.
2. Security Settings is set to your banner ads that match your pages, the size of the banner, the banner color and take the line of HTML code to insert into your page.
3. Search Settings: This section to insert the search with Google and your site, you also receive money from this service.
4. Account Information: is information about your account, including addresses, to pay taxes, account ...
5. Ads Pedormance means "achievement" and labor of the banner you place on your site.
6. Search Pedomance: like adsperformance.
7. Payment history is the information on Google Adsense was calculated every month.
Basically the world. If you have created the site then, and again qualify for Google Adsense you will accept it completely easy to get the HTML code to insert into your page.
What is much of this program or an HTML code of an account can set up many different sites, which means you can just set the code up there siee English content to register with Google Adsense , while they can place ads on content sites with your own Vietnamese.
Through participation, you can find out more about this program, but here are some notes that you should be careful to avoid being locked in a sorry account:
1) Never click on your own banners for any reason.
2) Never change the Adsense code: in your account, Google allows you to change colors, borders, text color, style, size banner. You are only allowed to change it in your account, any impact to the code that Google ads are a violation of rules. Therefore you should not keep changing it like that initially.
3) To place banner on the Google content sites. Google Adsense is because search engines are excellent, but we all know, so do not ... fool it, but please do the actual page content.
4) Last but not least important is that you do not try to fool Google Adsense is using the software automatically clicks. Google Adsense smart enough to know that it is being lied and in which case your account will be permanently deleted and you never have the opportunity to participate in that program again.
The last thing you need to know that we will get the money like? That's when your account reaches $ 50, Google Adsense will send you a letter (letter is not real email) to the address you used to register, which has a PIN (Personal Identification Number: certified personal identification number). When you participate in google adsense, before receiving money, you need to load the PIN received from Google. PIN protected meaning people use Google Adsense, it ensures that your check will be routed to the correct address you entered in your account.
After you enter your PIN before the 15th of the month and your account is over $ 100, Google Adsense will send the check to you on the 25th of the month that you have $ 100 in your account (eg you enter your PIN account on 13 / 4 and your account is $ 110, then on 25 / 4, Google Adsense will send you a check worth $ 110).
This article itself also joined this program for quite some time and had received money from this program.
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